FUE Hair Transplant
Many people dealing with hair loss want to know more about FUE hair transplantation. So, what is FUE hair transplantation?
Factors such as genetic structure, stress, hormonal disorders cause hair loss. People with hair loss are psychologically affected by this situation and feel a lack of self-confidence or old age.
In the past there was not much that could be done about hair falling out. But now hair transplant treatments are a strong alternative in this area. These treatments are applied to give the hair a natural and bushy look as before. There are several methods for a healthy healing process and one of them is the FUE method.
One of the most common hair transplant methods in the world is the FUE hair transplant treatment. Fue is an abbreviation for Follicular Unit Extraction. It was first used in 1988 and was accepted in the medical field in 2002. The biggest advantage of the FUE method is that there is no cutting on the skin, so there are no scars.
Hair follicles are sensitive and the application and content of treatment methods is very important. But, how is this method applied?
How Is FUE Hair Transplantation Applied?
This method can be associated with collecting hair follicles and transplanting them to another area. It is removed without damaging the hair root and transferred to another place and covered. In this technique, the plastic surgeon removes individual follicles, namely hair follicles, from the donor area with a microneedle.
The extracted hair follicles are planted one by one in the area where the treatment will be applied. Therefore, the healing process may take longer than with other treatment techniques. This process can also be faster or slower depending on the experience of the surgeon performing the treatment.
At the beginning of the FUE hair transplant, local anesthesia is first applied to the patient’s head area. This application can be done with needle or needle free anesthesia using state of the art equipment. This procedure offers great comfort for patients who are afraid of needles and patients who cannot be anesthetized with needles.
Graft, as it is called in medical terminology, is the shape of any tissue in the body that is transplanted to another part of the body without a vein and nerve connection.
The surgeons or nurses involved in this surgery are classified by storing the grafts in appropriate chemicals at the appropriate temperature and separating them according to the number of follicles and structural features.
After a FUE hair transplant, this step must be done carefully to ensure that the person has beautiful and natural looking hair. Otherwise, an unnatural image may appear.
The most important stage in FUE hair transplantation is the point where the channel is opened. The direction of hair growth depends on the characteristics of the hair and the areas where it grows varies from person to person. The channels where the hair is transplanted should be the most appropriate depth and angle for the person’s existing hair. At this stage, the expertise and experience of the hair transplant surgeon is very important.
What Are FUE Hair Transplant Techniques?
There are different techniques when applying Fue hair transplantation.
Micro FUE Hair Transplant Technique
All surgeons who prefer this method collect the grafts in more or less the same way. Healthy follicular units in the neck and lateral areas of the head are targeted. Using thin, hollow needles with a diameter of 0.6-0.8 mm connected to the micromotor, the targeted units are removed one by one without damaging them. Thanks to the smaller volume grafts collected with fine needles, natural-looking hair transplants can be performed at the desired density.
Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
In Sapphire FUE hair transplantation, original sapphire products are used instead of the metal tips used in the classical method when making the receiving place.
Sapphire is not a technique in itself, but an innovation in the FUE hair transplant method. The incision areas where the grafts are placed are designed to minimize crusting and speed up the healing process.
Soft FUE hair transplant technique
The sedation technique applied in the Soft FUE hair transplant method has been used for many years. No local anesthetic or use in the operating room is required. During the procedure, the patient remains in a comfortable position, no surgical scar is cut in the recipient area.
In Which Situations Is FUE Hair Transplantation Preferable?
Compared with traditional techniques, the FUE hair transplant technique is an innovative method and is applied through technological devices. No incisions are made on the scalp. Therefore, the person who has had a hair transplant heals faster.
Because no cut is made, there are no stitches or scars. In addition, if the grafts normally taken from the upper part of the neck are missing in that area, hair from other parts of the body can also be used. For this reason, it is more preferable than traditional methods.
How Long Does The Process Of Fue Hair Transplant Take?
The duration of the hair transplant depends on the area to be applied. Surgeries requiring 4,000 to 4,500 grafts take approximately 6-7 hours.
- The patient’s medical condition and the location where the transplant will take place,
- The volume of the transplanted hair,
- The experience of the surgeon who will perform the treatment determines the duration of the FUE hair transplant session.
It may be necessary to stay in the clinic for three to four hours after surgery to control the effects. There may be some pain or irritation around the transplanted area(s), most patients describe this feeling as mild. The procedure is not painful and the discomfort will be minimal.
What Must Be Done Before The Fue Hair Transplant Is performed?
For an effective hair transplant, there are factors that must be taken into account before surgery.
Health problems
The person undergoing a hair transplant should inform the hair transplant specialist before the surgery about health problems and the medicines you take regularly. If there is any health problem, it should not be forgotten to consult the doctor about the surgery and to get approval for the hair transplant.
If your doctor approves that your health problem does not affect hair transplantation, stop taking aspirin and blood thinners 3 days before surgery if possible.
Harmful substances
Alcohol should not be consumed before hair transplantation. Drugs used during anesthesia can interact with alcohol and this can be dangerous.
Along with alcohol, smoking also affects the hair transplant procedure, blood flow in the skin in people who smoke is slower, which has a bad influence on healing. In addition, the blood vessels can narrow, which can hinder the growth and healthy development of the transplanted hair. For all these reasons, smoking should not be allowed 1 week before and after the hair transplant.
What is the healing process after an FUE hair transplant?
The process after FUE hair transplantation is very important. After the surgery is completed, the hair grows out of the hair follicles and falls out within a month. This has been factored into the process and is an expected process. After about 5 months after shedding, the hair begins to grow permanently. Within a few days after the operation, the following developments are visible:
1st and 2nd day
The hair can be washed with the lotion or shampoo recommended by the doctor. In this process, hair washing processes are effective in healing the scalp and eliminating crusting symptoms.
After 5-7 days
7 days after the operation, the transplanted hair becomes stronger. During this period there may be itching, but this is a sign of recovery. It should not damage the transplanted area and should not itch.
After 15-30 days
After 15-20 days after hair transplantation, the appearance of the person receiving the treatment returns to its former state. The difference between the transplanted hair and your own hair disappears. For this reason, hair transplantation is not understood from the outside.
After 1-3 months
During this period, hair loss can occur. It will grow stronger in the future.
After 4-5 months
After a period of 4 months, the growth period accelerates. After the fifth month, the hair will achieve the desired result by 50%.
After 6-12 months
The transplanted hair continues to grow at full speed. In addition, it is felt that the hair strands become stronger and thicker.
After 12-18 months
It is necessary to wait up to 18 months to get the final result of hair transplants. After the process, you will have luscious, strong and long hair.
What Are The Advantages Of The FUE Hair Transplant Method?
Some of the important benefits of choosing a FUE hair transplant procedure are:
- It leaves no scars on the skin as no cuts and stitches are applied during surgery.
- Advanced technological devices are used. This situation speeds up the operation process.
- Pain that may occur after surgery has disappeared after a maximum of 1 week.
- After the hair transplant, people can usually resume their daily lives the next day and continue their normal activities.
- It is more cost effective than other methods.
Comments from those who have had FUE hair transplantation
People who prefer FUE hair transplant say that there is minimal pain experienced during and after surgery.
What Should Those Undergoing FUE Hair Transplantation Pay Attention To?
There are some factors that people who have had a hair transplant should be aware of:
- Avoid smoking and alcohol intake as much as possible,
- Pay attention to washing the hair after surgery as explained by the surgeon.
- Do not wear a hat or cap until the transplanted area has completely healed.
- Protect the transplanted area from possible impact and avoid scratching.
Correct Determination Of The Outflow Direction Of Hair Roots
One of the most important elements in the FUE technique is in which direction the hair will grow. If the skin canals are not opened in the right direction, the hair can grow in an unnatural way. In order to adjust the correct direction, a specialized surgeon must make intricacies.
The Reason Why The Hair Follicles To Be Transplanted Are Taken From The Neck Area
The hair in the nape area has resistance to loss. That is why grafts are taken from this area in the FUE hair transplant technique. In case of hair loss in the neck area due to a previous disease, hair follicles can be taken from other parts of the body.
FUE Hair Transplant Prices 2025
Hair transplant prices vary depending on the condition of the region to be planted. The number of grafts to be taken and transplanted determines the pricing. The price given to a completely bald patient and a patient with thin hair is different.